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Did You Know Sound is one of the Most Powerful Tools For Healing in Existence?
Did You Know Sound is one of the Most Powerful Tools For Healing in Existence?
They have known this for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. Long before modern science, shamans used sound to induce a trance like state into other people. Healers used sound and complex rituals to trigger the healing process of their patients and military leaders used sound to inspire and get their troops motivated for battle.
Sound is powerful. Actually, what is powerful is not the sound itself, what we perceive, but rather the vibration of sound. This interacts with us and which creates emotions and states into our body.
Now, I’m not talking about music.
Sure, music has a very strong effect too. Listen to a sad song and you’ll be sad. Listen to a happy song and you’ll boost your mood.
But while this is important, I’m talking rather about rhythmic frequencies that operate at certain frequencies and which interact both with the water in our bodies and with our DNA.
You can use sound to improve your health, to boost your creativity, to increase your focus and even to become a better communicator with those around you.
Yes, it’s that powerful.
But since you may have never heard of this before, let me explain how all of this works.
And the best way to do this is to play music to a two – three-year-old. You’ll notice something interesting.
He’ll dance. Even if he has no idea what dancing is, he will automatically dance on the music.
Most adults just find this amusing but it’s proof of a deeper truth, one that have been revealed through countless experiments. This is that we have a natural, automatic connection with the surrounding vibrations. We’re automatically influenced by them.
Rhythmic vibrations are something we naturally detect and follow. Scientists don’t really know why but some assume that this has an evolutionary purpose that we’ve developed this ability to better understand the world.
Others say since everything is matter vibrating at a high speed, since all that is around you is nothing but energy vibrating, giving the impression of solid matter, this ability to connect with the vibrations around us and to be affected by them is found in our DNA, as natural as life itself.
We don’t know for sure but we know it is true. Even weapons are developed and used to incapacitate people through sound. It’s real. It exists right now. And they have also used sound as a form of alternative medicine for thousands of years since ancient times.
Great leaders and minds of the past discovered that sound can be used for everything from inspiring fear to bringing comfort and joy to calming groups of people and even to healing grave diseases.
And this means two things for you.
First, you can learn how to protect yourself.
Sound is not used only offensively. There is a long history of using sound for keeping crowds under control, to stifle creativity and to dull the emotions. Sound as a pacifying weapon is nothing new and the Nazi Germany used this to great effect.
Back then, Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, an evil man which used every tool at his disposal to sell the great Nazi lie used sound at 440 HZ to keep masses under control. He discovered through several experiments that people, when exposed to this frequency, even for a short time, are dulled and are less likely to rebel.
Some historians say his use of the 440 HZ in music, speeches and announcements has been a major tool for preventing the German people, tired of war and suffering from rebelling against the Nazi war machine.
While this is rare nowadays due to people’s access to information, some dictators and totalitarian leaders still use a sound at a 440 HZ frequency to keep crowds under control, dulling their instincts to rebel or to act against the interests of the leader.
Second, you can learn how to use sound to heal yourself and improve your life.
This may also be the most important thing you can do for your development as a person. If used properly, sound can change your life and it can change the frequencies on which you operate, so you become a better person.
You turn pain into joy.
You turn suffering into hope.
You turn conflict into love.
And all with the help of vibrations through the power of sound.
All healing frequencies are based on the seven solfeggio scales. These are ancient scales that can be tracked back to a medieval hymn of John the Baptist. It is the music of God and they have used it to heal and to bring comfort as early as 1000 AD.
Each frequency has a specific effect over your body.
The first one is 396 HZ. This turns grief into joy and it is a very strong natural anti-depressant. Use it if you are going through a period of pain or suffering and you would like to be happy again.
The second one is 417 HZ. Using this frequency, you’ll cleanse traumatic experiences and facilitate change. It’s useful if something bad happened to you and you can’t move on. They have also used it to treat stress, even stress disorders and to calm anxious patients.
The third one is very important. It is 528 HZ, and it is the natural frequency of the Earth. This is the frequency at which nature vibrates and they prove it to repair DNA.
It was used back in 1930 by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife to cure cancer patients, with a 100% success rate. Since cancer treatment is a big business, earnings hundreds of billions per year, this discovery was quickly buried and forgotten.
This frequency is also used to manifest miracles in your life. It’s the frequency at which you’ll manifest, you’ll attract whatever you desire most. The closer you operate to this frequency, the better in sync you are in nature and the more likely you are to attract everything you desire.
The fourth frequency is 638 HZ. Using this frequency you become a better spouse, a better friend and a better communicator. It promotes empathy and releases anger, allowing you to better connect with those around you.
It’s also a useful frequency to listen together with your spouse, as it creates a bridge of understanding and love between the two of you. It brings people together.
The fifth frequency 741 HZ. Use this to develop your power of self expression. It makes you a better writer and a better creative. Many famous authors exposed themselves to 741 HZ during their writing process to create their masterpieces.
It’s also known for cleaning you of toxins, improving your health and boosting your immune system.
The sixth frequency is 852 HZ. It is especially useful if you feel lost from a spiritual perspective. Many people testified that they’ve rediscovered God after being exposed to this frequency. While nobody knows how it works, it makes everything clear and to see life and existence as it truly is.
The seventh and final frequency is 963 HZ. This is the frequency of God. Listen to it, expose yourself to it to heal and to empower your inner child, to become once again filled with hope and joy and laughter and to restore yourself to who you once were.
I’ve seen people who lost all faith in living, all hope go through this and return with the same spirit, hope and ambition of a 20-year-old.
It is hard to understand how effective these are until you try them. It’s almost a miracle how 30 minutes of exposing yourself to a frequency like 396 HZ can take your sadness away and make you smile and grin and not even know how.
It is hard to believe how well people will react to you after you expose yourself to 638 HZ. You’ll be able to get your point across better and even make people fall in love with you. It’s so effective that you’ll see it as a miracle, this is how I’ve seen it when I’ve first started this.
But how does this work?
Why does it happen the way it does?
To help you understand, we must delve into the science of Cymatics and an experiment conducted by Masaru Emoto.
Mr. Emoto, a world renowned scientist tried a simple experiment. He exposed water to different frequencies and to music. Then he froze the water and photographed the crystals through a high-powered camera.
His findings surprised him.
The water that was exposed to the seven solfeggio scales developed beautiful, symmetrical geometrical shapes, similar to snowflakes. The water that was exposed to rock music and to unnatural frequencies like 440 HZ, the frequency used in Nazi Germany, looked polluted and monstrous by comparison.
This experiment has been repeated many times, and the results had always been the same. Classical music that is played mostly using 432 HZ, one of the seven solfeggio scales built beautiful geometric patterns. Unnatural tones that cause discomfort and pain to humans lead to uneven, ugly shapes.
But you know what?
While this is one of the best-known examples of cymatics, this is nothing new. They have known it as past as ancient Greece and Egypt. Long before laboratories and cameras existed, people in ancient times created geometrical shapes using sounds.
You may wonder though – why does it matter? Isn’t it just like a party trick?
Not really.
Your body is made up of about 80% water. Your body is also made 100% of energy, as everything is around us.
Energy vibrating at fast speeds give the impression of matter. This is elementary high-school physics.
Since water is one of the main building blocks of your body, how it reacts to the vibrations around you matters. And this is only what we can observe.
Some scientists think vibrations affect your DNA, at the most elementary level, but we don’t have the tools to observe this. We can only observe what it does to water and the effects are extraordinary.
And even without these tests, even without these experiments, you know this already. You know how some vibrations make you feel relaxed and happy while others make you sick. You know well that classical music will improve your concentration and make you smile while rock music can make you aggressive.
If you stop just for a second and observe the world around you, then all of this makes sense, with or without understanding the science behind it.
This is why I’ve finetuned and created Manifestation Magic around carefully selected solfeggio scales, especially around 432 HZ.
432 HZ is the favorite frequency of Mozart and Beethoven and it’s no surprise that many soon to be mothers play classical music from these two composers to their unborn child. It boosts emotions; it brings joy and a state of well being, something that all the seven solfeggio scales achieve but this is especially effective.
Manifestation Magic is a program of brainwave entrainment built around the these solfeggio scales, enhanced with NLP hidden commands. This means it uses sound strategically to help your brain relax and improve, to bring you joy and creativity and to make you feel better in your own skin.
The NLP commands on the other hand are hidden, embedded messages that will rebuild who you are from the ground up so you can automatically become a successful person. It’s like an architect that changes your beliefs, eliminating what doesn’t work for you and adding new ones that do so you can be the best version of yourself.
So what can you expect when you use “Manifestation Magic”?
Well, it works on three different levels.
Let me explain them to you.
First, the selected solfeggio scales will boost your mood. It will make you happy. Some people who used it before reported feeling like they’ve eaten their favorite dessert after using “Manifestation Magic”.
I don’t know how it will work for you in particular but almost everyone who uses it ends up in a joyful state, full of hope and passion.
Second, the brainwave entrainment is acting like a vitamin C for your brain. This means it makes everything better. You’ll vibrate on the same frequency as your innermost desires and you’ll slowly manifest everything you desire in your life.
Brainwave entrainment will make you have a good day, every day, through the simple fact you’ll manifest small and big miracles in everything you do.
Third, the NLP commands change who you are at your core. It helps you get rid of beliefs like “I’m not good enough” or “Who am I to succeed?”. It helps you be confident and powerful and gives you that jolt to pursue the life you fully desire.
So with “Manifestation Magic”, you don’t get one benefit.
You get three.
You relax and improve your brain with the seven solfeggio scales and especially with the 432 HZ frequency. You help yourself vibrate at the level of what you truly desire so you can manifest those small and big miracles. You improve who you are by changing your beliefs at the most basic level, helping you eliminate limiting beliefs and replacing them with a sense of
power and potential.
And how do you use all of this?
It’s as simple as putting your headsets on and listening to the program. You don’t have to do anything else. There’s no workbook. There’s nothing to study. You listen and let it happen.
I suggest you do it before sleep. Don’t do it while you drive because it may distract you but you can do it at home or at your office. If you feel like your spouse can enjoy this too, then do it together. “Manifestation Magic” is known to bring peace and happiness to couples, especially after a long period of stress and fighting.
There is just one thing you should do though.
It’s easy enough.
Think carefully of what you want. If you don’t get clear on your goals, on what you desire, it’s nearly impossible to manifest it. I’m not talking now to set goals or anything like that, although it is useful.
But instead, get clear.
Do you want love in your life?
How should this person look like? Tall? Short? What weight? What occupation? What music do they like?
I’ve had many customers do a simple exercise, write exactly what they wanted from their significant other, from the person who’d be ideal in their life, up to their ticks and small habits.
And guess what?
Many them attracted this person. Some got married in three months after listening to “Manifestation Magic”. Sometimes, the person they’ve attracted was so alike in their description it felt like they were casting for a movie role.
This is the power of manifestation.
And it can be more than love. It can be money. Do you want something in your life? Maybe a better paid job? Maybe a sum of money?
Think about it. If it is a car, write the model, the color and even the extras. Does it come with one of those fancy iPads? Does it come with massage seats? Is it red or black or what color would you like?
The more specific you will get, the easier it will be for you to manifest it into your life. It’s hard to explain why it works but each time I visualize and think about what I desire, especially in great detail, I end up gaining it.
It’s not always the same. Maybe your ideal spouse is blonde and the person you attract is black-haired. But from experience, in my life and in the life of my friends, about 80% of it will come true, like you were creating it with your own mind.
And you are creating it with your own mind.
This is the definition of manifestation.
You manifest a new reality.
And for this, you need just to get clearer on what you want and my program “Manifestation Magic”. Get clear on what your heart wants and then listen to my program daily.
From a source unknown that you can’t even predict you’ll receive your gift from the universe. It’s so hard to explain or to understand until you experience it.
But once you do, you’ll be a believer for the rest of your life.
You’ll think you’ve been blind all your life and now you can finally see.
To get started and to discover how “Manifestation Magic” will help you manifest the life you deserve.
Click on the link here to discover more about how “Manifestation Magic” can help you.
The Powerful Secrets of Vibration & Sound
Did you know sound is one of the most powerful tools for healing in existence?
They have known this for hundreds, maybe thousands of years.
Long before modern science, shamans used sound to induce a trancelike state into other people. Healers used sound and complex rituals to trigger the healing process of their patients and military leaders used sound to inspire and get their troops motivated for battle.
Sound is powerful. Actually, what is powerful is not the sound itself, what we perceive, but rather the vibration of sound. This interacts with us and which creates emotions and states into our body.
Now, I’m not talking about music.
Sure, music has a very strong effect too. Listen to a sad song and you’ll be sad. Listen to a happy song and you’ll boost your mood.
But while this is important, I’m talking rather about rhythmic frequencies that operate at certain frequencies and which interact both with the water in our bodies and with our DNA.
You can use sound to improve your health, to boost your creativity, to increase your focus and even to become a better communicator with those around you.
Yes, it’s that powerful.
But since you may have never heard of this before, let me explain how all of this works.
And the best way to do this is to play music to a two – three-year-old. You’ll notice something interest. He’ll dance. Even if he has no idea what dancing is, he will automatically dance on the music.
Most adults just find this amusing but it’s proof of a deeper truth, one that have been revealed through countless experiments. This is that we have a natural, automatic connection with the surrounding vibrations. We’re automatically influenced by them.
Rhythmic vibrations are something we naturally detect and follow. Scientists don’t really know why but some assume that this has an evolutionary purpose that we’ve developed this ability to better understand the world.
Others say since everything is matter vibrating at a high speed, since all that is around you is nothing but energy vibrating, giving the impression of solid matter, this ability to connect with the vibrations around us and to be affected by them is found in our DNA, as natural as life itself.
We don’t know for sure but we know it is true. Even weapons are developed and even used to incapacitate people through sound. It’s real. It exists right now. And they have also used sound as a form of alternative medicine for thousands of years since ancient times.
Great leaders and minds of the past discovered that sound can be used for everything from inspiring fear to bringing comfort and joy to calming groups of people and even to healing grave diseases.
And this means two things for you.
First, you can learn how to protect yourself.
Sound is not used only offensively. There is a long history of using sound for keeping crowds under control, to stifle creativity and to dull the emotions. Sound as a pacifying weapon is nothing new and the Nazi Germany used this to great effect.
Back then, Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, an evil man which used every tool at his disposal to sell the great nazi lie used sound at 440 HZ to keep masses under control. He discovered through several experiments that people, when exposed to this frequency, even for a short time, are dulled and are less likely to rebel.
Some historians say his use of the 440 HZ in music, speeches and announcements has been a major tool for preventing the German people, tired of war and suffering from rebelling against the Nazi war machine.
While this is rare nowadays due to people’s access to information, some dictators and totalitarian leaders still use a sound at a 440 HZ frequency to keep crowds under control, dulling their instincts to rebel or to act against the interests of the leader.
Second, you can learn how to use sound to heal yourself and improve your life.
This may also be the most important thing you can do for your development as a person. If used properly, sound can change your life and it can change the frequencies on which you operate, so you become a better person.
You turn pain into joy.
You turn suffering into hope.
You turn conflict into love.
And all with the help of vibrations through the power of sound.
All healing frequencies are based on the seven solfeggio scales. These are ancient scales that can be tracked back to a medieval hymn of John the Baptist. It is the music of God and they have used it to heal and to bring comfort as early as 1000 AD.
Each frequency has a specific effect over your body.
The first one is 396 HZ. This turns grief into joy and it is a very strong natural anti-depressant. Use it if you are going through a period of pain or suffering and you would like to be happy again.
The second one is 417 HZ. Using this frequency, you’ll cleanse traumatic experiences and facilitate change. It’s useful if something bad happened to you and you can’t move on. They have also used it to treat stress, even stress disorders and to calm anxious patients.
The third one is very important. It is 528 HZ, and it is the natural frequency of the Earth. This is the frequency at which nature vibrates and they prove it to repair DNA.
It was used back in 1930 by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife to cure cancer patients, with a 100% success rate. Since cancer treatment is a big business, earnings hundreds of billions per year, this discovery was quickly buried and forgotten.
This frequency is also used to manifest miracles in your life. It’s the frequency at which you’ll manifest, you’ll attract whatever you desire most. The closer you operate to this frequency, the better in sync you are in nature and the more likely you are to attract everything you desire.
The fourth frequency is 638 HZ. Using this frequency you become a better spouse, a better friend and a better communicator. It promotes empathy and releases anger, allowing you to better connect with those around you.
It’s also a useful frequency to listen together with your spouse, as it creates a bridge of understanding and love between the two of you. It brings people together.
The fifth frequency 741 HZ. Use this to develop your power of self expression. It makes you a better writer and a better creative. Many famous authors exposed themselves to 741 HZ during their writing process to create their masterpieces.
It’s also known for cleaning you of toxins, improving your health and boosting your immune system.
The sixth frequency is 852 HZ. It is especially useful if you feel lost from a spiritual perspective. Many people testified that they’ve rediscovered God after being exposed to this frequency. While nobody knows how it works, it makes everything clear and to see life and existence as it truly is.
The seventh and final frequency is 963 HZ. This is the frequency of God. Listen to it, expose yourself to it to heal and to empower your inner child, to become once again filled with hope and joy and laughter and to restore yourself to who you once were.
I’ve seen people who lost all faith in living, all hope go through this and return with the same spirit, hope and ambition of a 20-year-old.
It is hard to understand how effective these are until you try them. It’s almost a miracle how 30 minutes of exposing yourself to a frequency like 396 HZ can take your sadness away and make you smile and grin and not even know how.
It is hard to believe how well people will react to you after you expose yourself to 638 HZ. You’ll be able to get your point across better and even make people fall in love with you. It’s so effective that you’ll see it as a miracle, this is how I’ve seen it when I’ve first started this.
But how does this work?
Why does it happen the way it does?
To help you understand, we must delve into the science of cymatics and an experiment conducted by Masaru Emoto.
Mr. Emoto, a world renowned scientistic tried a simple experiment. He exposed water to different frequencies and to music. Then he froze the water and photographed the crystals through a high-powered camera.
His findings surprised him.
The water that was exposed to the seven solfeggio scales developed beautiful, symmetrical geometrical shapes, similar to snowflakes. The water that was exposed to rock music and to unnatural frequencies like 440 HZ, the frequency used in Nazi Germany, looked polluted and monstrous by comparison.
This experiment has been repeated many times, and the results had always been the same. Classical music that is played mostly using 432 HZ, one of the seven solfeggio scales built beautiful geometric patterns. Unnatural tones that cause discomfort and pain to humans lead to uneven, ugly shapes.
But you know what?
While this is one of the best-known examples of cymatics, this is nothing new. They have known it as past as ancient Greece and Egypt. Long before laboratories and cameras existed, people in ancient times created geometrical shapes using sounds.
You may wonder though – why does it matter? Isn’t it just like a party trick?
Not really.
Your body is made about 70% of water. Your body is also made 100% of energy, as everything is around us. Energy vibrating at fast speeds give the impression of matter. This is elementary high-school physics.
Since water is one of the main building blocks of your body, how it reacts to the vibrations around you matters. And this is only what we can observe. Some scientists think vibrations affect your DNA, at the most elementary level, but we don’t have the tools to observe this. We can only observe what it does to water and the effects are extraordinary.
And even without these tests, even without these experiments, you know this already. You know how some vibrations make you feel relaxed and happy while others make you sick. You know well that classical music will improve your concentration and make you smile while rock music can make you aggressive.
If you stop just for a second and observe the world around you, then all of this makes sense, with or without understanding the science behind it.
This is why I’ve built Manifestation Magic around the seven solfeggio scales, especially around 432 HZ.
432 HZ is the favorite frequency of Mozart and Beethoven and it’s no surprise that many soon to be mothers play classical music from these two composers to their unborn child. It boosts emotions; it brings joy and a state of wellbeing, something that all the seven solfeggio scales achieve but this is especially effective.
Manifestation Magic is a program of brainwave entrainment built around the seven solfeggio scales, enhanced with NLP hidden commands. This means it uses sound strategically to help your brain relax and improve, to bring you joy and creativity and to make you feel better in your own skin.
The NLP commands on the other hand are hidden, embedded messages that will rebuild who you are from the ground up so you can automatically become a successful person. It’s like an architect that changes your beliefs, eliminating what doesn’t work for you and adding new ones that do so you can be the best version of yourself.
So what can you expect when you use “Manifestation Magic”?
Well, it works on three different levels.
Let me explain them to you.
First, the seven solfeggio scales will boost your mood. It will make you happy. Some people who used it before reported feeling like they’ve eaten their favorite dessert after using “Manifestation Magic”.
I don’t know how it will work for you in particular but almost everyone who uses it ends up in a joyful state, full of hope and passion.
Second, the brainwave entrainment is acting like a vitamin C for your brain. This means it makes everything better. You’ll vibrate on the same frequency as your innermost desires and you’ll slowly manifest everything you desire in your life.
Brainwave entrainment will make you have a good day, every day, through the simple fact you’ll manifest small and big miracles in everything you do.
Third, the NLP commands change who you are at your core. It helps you get rid of beliefs like “I’m not good enough” or “Who am I to succeed?”. It helps you be confident and powerful and gives you that jolt to pursue the life you fully desire.
So with “Manifestation Magic”, you don’t get one benefit.
You get three.
You relax and improve your brain with the seven solfeggio scales and especially with the 432 HZ frequency. You help yourself vibrate at the level of what you truly desire so you can manifest those small and big miracles. You improve who you are by changing your beliefs at the most basic level, helping you eliminate limiting beliefs and replacing them with a sense of power and potential.
And how do you use all of this?
It’s as simple as putting your headsets on and listening to the program. You don’t have to do anything else. There’s no workbook. There’s nothing to study. You listen and let it happen.
I suggest you do it before sleep. Don’t do it while you drive because it may distract you but you can do it at home or at your office. If you feel like your spouse can enjoy this too, then do it together. “Manifestation Magic” is known to bring peace and happiness to couples, especially after a long period of stress and fighting.
There is just one thing you should do though.
It’s easy enough.
Think carefully of what you want. If you don’t get clear on your goals, on what you desire, it’s nearly impossible to manifest it. I’m not talking now to set goals or anything like that, although it is useful.
But instead, get clear.
Do you want love in your life?
How should this person look like? Tall? Short? What weight? What occupation? What music do they like?
I’ve had many customers do a simple exercise, write exactly what they wanted from their significant other, from the person who’d be ideal in their life, up to their ticks and small habits.
And guess what?
Many them attracted this person. Some got married in three months after listening to “Manifestation Magic”. Sometimes, the person they’ve attracted was so alike in their description it felt like they were casting for a movie role.
This is the power of manifestation.
And it can be more than love. It can be money. Do you want something in your life? Maybe a better paid job? Maybe a sum of money?
Think about it. If it is a car, write the model, the color and even the extras. Does it come with one of those fancy iPads? Does it come with massage seats? Is it red or black or what color would you like?
The more specific you will get, the easier it will be for you to manifest it into your life. It’s hard to explain why it works but each time I visualize and think about what I desire, especially in great detail, I end up gaining it.
It’s not always the same. Maybe your ideal spouse is blonde and the person you attract is black-haired. But from experience, in my life and in the life of my friends, about 80% of it will come true, like you were creating it with your own mind.
And you are creating it with your own mind.
This is the definition of manifestation.
You manifest a new reality.
And for this, you need just to get clearer on what you want and my program “Manifestation Magic”. Get clear on what your heart wants and then listen to my program daily.
From a source unknown that you can’t even predict you’ll receive your gift from the universe. It’s so hard to explain or to understand until you experience it.
But once you do, you’ll be a believer for the rest of your life.
You’ll think you’ve been blind all your life and now you can finally see.
To get started and to discover how “Manifestation Magic” will help you manifest the life you deserve, click on the link below.
Manifestation Magic Review
We’ve seen it all… from The Secret to the plethora of self-help and law of attraction books that litter the market.
You’d think that with all the guides and products out there, everyone would be rich and living an abundant life. Yet, that is NOT the case and most people struggle daily.
When we came across the “Manifestation Magic” website, our first question was, “Does the world need another product about the law of attraction?”
Putting our skepticism aside, we decided to review this product… and give you a brutally honest review about it.
Manifestation Magic is a series of audio tracks that have brainwave entrainment frequencies. By listening to these tracks when you’re about to sleep, your brain will be more receptive to the hypnotic suggestions.
There will be much less external and internal interference. It’s a brilliant concept.
What You’ll Find Inside:
Before looking at the benefits of Manifestation Magic, let’s look at what you get – and you do get a lot.
- - Quick Start Manifestation Guide (PDF, Kindle, iBook versions)
- - Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track
- - 7 “Energy Orbiting” Tracks to Enhance Chakra Wealth Energy.
- - The “Push Play” Audio App
- - 60-Day, Money-Back Guarantee
- - Bonus #1 - Chakra Power System
- - Bonus #2 - 360 Transformation System
- - 2 Surprise Bonuses – The Abundance Miracle System & 7 Sacred Signs
This package sure doesn’t hold back. We were quite surprised to receive so much content for a reasonably low price.
Manifestation Magic is a complete system that’s more comprehensive than most books in this genre… BUT… content alone isn’t enough.
There is still one VERY IMPORTANT question that must be answered…
Will Manifestation Magic Help You?
1. Actions that matter: : The biggest problem we had with books like The Secret was that all you had to do was think positively to see results. This Pollyanna approach to manifesting wealth sounds good, but rarely works.
Manifestation magic requires you to listen to the audios. This is work. It’s not hard work – but it’s necessary work. The ‘Daytime Wealth’ track is especially important.
2. Builds a strong foundation:: The reason why Manifestation Magic works and has positive testimonials is because of the science behind it. It changes your thought patterns.
Manifestation magic requires you to listen to the audios. This is work. It’s not hard work – but it’s necessary work. The ‘Daytime Wealth’ track is especially important.
It's very difficult to do this with books, because we are creatures of habit. So, by listening to the audios, we can delve deeply into the mind and fix the inconsistencies that are sabotaging our efforts. Manifestation Magic does this better than any book we've seen.
3. Consistency:By asking you to listen to the tracks daily, Manifestation Magic builds positive habits and thinking in you without much effort on your part. This is not a haphazard approach to generating wealth like positive thinking that you do anytime you feel like. Consistency leads to results.
4. Clearing out the trash: No amount of positive thinking can work if you’re still stuck in your old patterns of thinking. It’s like applying nail polish on a rash to hide it.
You must treat the problem. Manifestation magic has “Energy Orbiting” audio sessions to clear abundance blocks in your mind. By clearing the old obstacles, your path will now be clear to manifest miracles without your attempts being impeded.
5. All-Encompassing System: On the surface, Manifestation magic looked like just another run-of-the-mill self-help product. We were so wrong.
There are audios, a QuickStart guide and about 14 bonus audios that will help you with your wealth, love life, spirituality, etc. It’s so much more than a wealth attraction product and it lived up to its promises.
6. Easy to use: There’s no denying the fact that it’s easier to listen to audios rather than force yourself to think and visualize positive images when your life around you is in shambles. Manifestation Magic is a very practical and down-to-earth program that understands that you need to make changes WITHIN before you can make changes in your life. The canvas must be clean before you can create a masterpiece. We loved the audio tracks with the gentle pulsating sounds!
7. Genuine Testimonials: The official sales page has reviews from customers who have tried the product and seen changes in their life. That’s social proof that the audio tracks deliver on the promise.
8. Instant access: This is a digital product. You’ll get instant access to it and can start changing your immediately. No shipping costs or delays.
9. 60-Day Money Back Guarantee: This point alone shows the abundance mindset that Alexander has. He has so much faith in his product that he has given you enough time to test out the product and make changes in your life.
What are Subliminal Messages and NLP?
Subliminal messages have been around for decades. Terms such as ‘self-hypnosis’, ‘binaural beats’ etc. have been used to describe audio tracks that gently work on reprogramming your subconscious mind while you sleep.
These tracks are easy to use because they require very little effort on your part. All you do listen to them when you’re in a sleepy and more suggestive state.
NLP refers to neurolinguistic programming and it was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. NLP is used to change your behavioral patterns by altering your neurological processes. It’s akin to creating new outcomes by changing your habits.
What makes Manifestation Magic so powerful is that the audio tracks that come with this program infuse both subliminal messages and NLP. That makes these tracks even more potent and effective.
Any downsides to this product?
There are a few downsides. No product is perfect… and thankfully, the only 2 cons we could fine were just minor issues.
1) Can only be purchased online
You’ll not be able to purchase this product from a bookstore. It’s a digital product and you need a computer and an internet connection to access and download it.
The product vendors intentionally made it this way so that they could keep the production costs low and make it affordable to the masses - and help as many people as possible.
2) Audio tracks may not be suitable for everyone
Some people may find it difficult to listen to the tracks because the frequency may be jarring to them. This is a very small minority – but it happens.
The good news is that you just need to contact the support team of Manifestation Magic and they’ll mix a new audio track for you with a different frequency that you can easily listen to – and they will do it for FREE! Excellent customer support here.
Should You Buy It?
Definitely! This product delivers what it says on the tin. You’re backed by a guarantee and you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain.
It bridges the gap between visualization and results. The audios will accelerate your results if you’re already practicing daily visualization. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle.
There must be action, if you wish to see results. Listening to the audios is the action that you must take to change your life fast and manifest the health you wish to see.
Wealth, love, good health and whatever you want is within reach. It will take some effort. You’ll need to consistently listen to the videos and follow Alexander’s advice to the letter – but now you finally have a blueprint to success.
You’re not taking shots in the dark. You have a tool to fix what’s not working within you… and once you change your ‘inside’, your outside will change miraculously… and you’ll NEVER look back.
Manifestation Magic gets two thumbs up from us.
Manifestation Magic Review
It’s not often that we come across a “law of attraction” type of product that helps you with love. Most of these products are concerned with wealth creation and living an abundant life.
But… we also live in a world where divorce rates are at an all-time high.
Relationships break up over the most trivial matters. The bookstores are filled with books such as “He’s Just Not That Into You” and “Men are From Mars. Women are from Outer Space”, etc.
All these books are about trying to find the right partner or manage a crumbling relationship. Some of the authors who wrote these books are divorced too!
So, our curiosity was piqued when we came across Manifestation Magic and one of our reviewers said that it helped her with her love life. Nothing whatsoever on the sales page mentioned anything about love.
It seemed to be all about wealth. So why did it work?
We decided to take a closer look at the program…
What You’ll Find Inside:
Before looking at the benefits of Manifestation Magic, let’s look at what you get – and you do get a lot.
- - Quick Start Manifestation Guide (PDF, Kindle, iBook versions)
- - Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track
- - 7 “Energy Orbiting” Tracks to Enhance Chakra Wealth Energy.
- - The “Push Play” Audio App
- - 60-Day, Money-Back Guarantee
- - Bonus #1 - Chakra Power System
- - Bonus #2 - 360 Transformation System
- - 2 Surprise Bonuses – The Abundance Miracle System & 7 Sacred Signs
This package sure doesn’t hold back. We were quite surprised to receive so much content for a reasonably low price.
Manifestation Magic is a complete system that’s more comprehensive than most books in this genre… BUT… content alone isn’t enough.
There is still one VERY IMPORTANT question that must be answered…
Will Manifestation Magic Help You?
1. Actions that matter: The biggest problem we had with books like The Secret was that all you had to do was think positively to see results. This Pollyanna approach to manifesting wealth or anything in life sounds good, but rarely works. Manifestation magic requires you to listen to the audios. This is work. It’s not hard work – but it’s necessary work.
2. Builds a strong foundation: : The reason why Manifestation Magic works and has positive testimonials is because of the science behind it. You're gently taken from a place of lack to a place of abundance. This is crucial.
The reason it helps you with your love life is because it improves your self-esteem. You discover that you are worth more than you realize.
Manifestation Magic is not only about wealth. It fixes the underlying and fundamental issues in your thinking that is sabotaging every aspect of your life in one way or another.
It's very difficult to do this solely with books, because we are creatures of habit. So, by listening to the audios, we can delve deeply into the mind and fix the inconsistencies that are sabotaging our efforts. Manifestation Magic does this better than any book we've seen.
3. Consistency:By asking you to listen to the tracks daily, Manifestation Magic builds patterns of thought and habits without you even realizing it. You’re becoming more positive and your thinking is elevated to the next level.
4. Clearing out the trash: No amount of positive thinking can work if you’re still stuck in your old patterns of thinking. It’s like applying nail polish on a rash to hide it.
You must treat the problem. Manifestation magic has “Energy Orbiting” audio sessions to clear abundance blocks in your mind. By clearing the old obstacles, your path will now be clear to manifest miracles without your attempts being impeded.
5. All-Encompassing System: On the surface, Manifestation magic looked like just another run-of-the-mill self-help product. We were so wrong.
There are audios, a QuickStart guide and about 14 bonus audios that will help you with your wealth, love life, spirituality, etc. It’s so much more than a wealth attraction product and it lived up to its promises.
6. Easy to use: There’s no denying the fact that it’s easier to listen to audios rather than force yourself to think and visualize positive images when your life around you is in shambles. Manifestation Magic is a very practical and down-to-earth program that understands that you need to make changes WITHIN before you can make changes in your life. The canvas must be clean before you can create a masterpiece. We loved the audio tracks with the gentle pulsating sounds!
7. Genuine Testimonials: The official sales page has reviews from customers who have tried the product and seen changes in their life. That’s social proof that the audio tracks deliver on the promise.
8. Instant access: This is a digital product. You’ll get instant access to it and can start changing your immediately. No shipping costs or delays.
9. 60-Day Money Back Guarantee: This point alone shows the abundance mindset that Alexander has. He has so much faith in his product that he has given you enough time to test out the product and make changes in your life.
If it doesn’t work, you can always get your money back. We’re guessing that you won’t because Manifestation Magic will add magic in your life. Still, it’s a risk-free purchase.
What are Subliminal Messages and NLP?
Subliminal messages have been around for decades. Terms such as ‘self-hypnosis’, ‘binaural beats’ etc. have been used to describe audio tracks that gently work on reprogramming your subconscious mind while you sleep.
These tracks are easy to use because they require very little effort on your part. All you do listen to them when you’re in a sleepy and more suggestive state.
NLP refers to neurolinguistic programming and it was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. NLP is used to change your behavioral patterns by altering your neurological processes. It’s akin to creating new outcomes by changing your habits.
What makes Manifestation Magic so powerful is that the audio tracks that come with this program infuse both subliminal messages and NLP. That makes these tracks even more potent and effective.
Any downsides to this product?
There are a few downsides. No product is perfect… and thankfully, the only 2 cons we could fine were just minor issues.
1) Can only be purchased online You’ll not be able to purchase this product from a bookstore. It’s a digital product and you need a computer and an internet connection to access and download it.
The product vendors intentionally made it this way so that they could keep the production costs low and make it affordable to the masses - and help as many people as possible.
2) Audio tracks may not be suitable for everyone
Some people may find it difficult to listen to the tracks because the frequency may be jarring to them. This is a very small minority – but it happens.
The good news is that you just need to contact the support team of Manifestation Magic and they’ll mix a new audio track for you with a different frequency that you can easily listen to – and they will do it for FREE! Excellent customer support here.
Should You Buy It?
Definitely! This product delivers what it says on the tin. You’re backed by a guarantee and you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain.
It bridges the gap between visualization and results. The audios will accelerate your results if you’re already practicing daily visualization. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle.
There must be action, if you wish to see results. Listening to the audios is the action that you must take to change your life fast and manifest the health you wish to see.
When you correct your thought patterns, not only will you make more money, but all the heartaches and relationship problems will disappear and be a thing of the past. You’ll discover what you truly want in a partner and will attract the RIGHT person into your life.
No more tears, screaming, shouting, breakups, divorces and other messy affairs. Manifestation Magic would have cleared your old negative thoughts and self-image. Your self-worth will go up and your future partner will be the one for you.
Give this program a try and you’ll never look back.